Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Grouch ft. Bicasso and Scarub

these are my west coast brothers fo real!
just in case you never saw this Classic video here you go..

The South is where Im from.

This video is one of the best ever it makes a G wanna cry.

Street Sweeper Social Club - 100 litttle curses

Boots Riley from The Coup and Tom Morello from Rage against the machine
Make real raw Rebel Music!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Z- Man's new video -Cupcakkin'

this my San fran Rellie how dope is this

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

BK, BX, NYC, Bay -O.G.z

ac!, C- Rayz, D.Ross, Kirby Dom reppin for our hoods in the great state of texas.

Maggie Horn's dope!

Maggie is one of my favorite people in New York Ive known her for awhile now I wanna say we met thru our boy Peter Agaston aka DJ Thanksgiving Brown and we also enhanced that friendship on trip to philly with Roxy Cottontail and Dj Elle it was a crazy adventure a years ago shes'a dope singer, dj hella multi-faceted and just the homie. Support her new project! Here are some flix wgen we were a lil younger

Maggie's teamed up with Sammy Bananas
are Telephoned

Sammy Bananas (no relation to Joe Bananas) and Maggie Horn are no strangers to the Brooklyn scene. Bananas is a successful musician and a producer for the record company Fool's Gold and Horn has offered her voice to bands such as Curses, Trois and Prince Paul. How two NYC powerhouses got together is easy to explain. All they needed was a bar, a bet and T-Pain. Now the two are Telephoned, whose first single “Can't Believe It” has been bombarding the DJ scene since it's release last year.